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How Chinese take Herbs, Shall we keep the old way or there is a better solution?

Typical Herbal formulas normally have 10 to 15 herbs for each serving. The Herbalist is will prescribe the formula based on your current condition.

Will there any side effect for Chinese Herbs?

Herbs has its only function and plant personality, the special features make it works and may cause some issues if you don't know how to formula it in the right way. This is why lots of training is needed.

Chinese Medicine is very serious professionals which require a MD trining in order to prescribe. To fill herbs in China, people has to Herbal Pharmacy to fill or refill the herbal prescription.

Each Herbs in nature are very different, such ginger, it is safe as food which can be sold in supermarket, but some herbs requires high skills to formula them in the right way at the right time for the right person.

In general, Chinese Herbalist will not like any side effects to exist, the gold is everything perfect with total balance of everything. Each herb are cross checked by each other, there are herbs take the main role, some acted like a assistance, some herbs act like controller, some herbs like coordinator.

Within a formula, It has King Herb, Minister Herb, Assistant Herb, Coordinator Herbs. Will high skills and training, your individual condition will be fully addressed after system review and fertility review.

After taking the herbal formula, patient's feedback are the key for us to modify the formula to make it a perfection and address your condition like a masterpiece. We don't like and we don't want any side effect to exist. Balance the whole body with a United Holistic Concept is the way of our approach.

Brew Your First time for Your Fertility?

Dr. Yang and Dr Zhang will give you a system review and fertility review first, based on your conditions, a treatment plan will be made to improve your condition. Your questions will be fully answered and your need will be fully addressed.


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