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What We Do








Fertility Acupuncture Solutions

Where to put acupuncture needles for fertility


We select Acupuncture Points by the Following Principles to offer individualized dynamic points based on personal health condition and phase of menstrual cycle and our assessment of syndrome diagnosis. We integrate classical traditional Chinese medicine and modern IVF science. Based on patient's lab results, integrated United Concept and Dynamic Approach.

We make sure each individual point selection Proved to Meet Ancient Authentic Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory, Modern Clinical Research and verified by our physically observation during our Hospital Trainings and our 33 years practice experiences.


  1. Ancient Methods.

    First remember, Acupuncture is one of the methods which have thousands of years history. To decide where to put needles, we need trace down the ancient literatures to see where the ancient doctors put needles get the results. To be a better practitioner, review the history is the way to find the secrets. Theory is important, which points works depends on the tons of practice of ancestor practitioner's wisdom. We are good at Old Chinese Medicinal Literatures, and we constant review many of them on daily basis.

  2. Modern Research.

    Because Traditional Chinese Medicine is mainstream in China. Lots of publications are only available in Chinese language. We constantly review and monitor all the articles published so we can get most updated research achievements.


  3. Hands On Training.

    We had the best education and training of Acupuncture in China. We still keep close communications with my fellow co-Doctors in China to exchange knowledge and experience to make our practice more precise and achieve the most advanced results.




What are the benefits of acupuncture for fertility


We use Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine to help women get pregnant naturally. We treat Fertility and Women Health, We are specialized Acupuncture and according to our experience, Acupuncture treatment when use different customized plan, can offer the following benefits for fertility:


  • Help Natural Fertility

  • Support IVF & IUI

  • Balance Hormone 

  • Reduce FSH Level

  • Regulate Periods

  • Help Lining

  • Anti Ovary-Aging

  • Induce ovulation

  • Improve Eggs Quality and Quantity 

  • Improve sperms counts, shape and sperm mobility

  • Couple Co-Treatment Plan

  • Prevent miscarriage

  • Stress Management


Infertility are caused by all kinds of different reasons, how Acupuncture can help?


Acupuncture points are adjusted based on each individual as well as adjusted by dynamic approach. Meaning that points can be each person different and each stage of your health will also offer a clue to adjust to the optimal points.

Acupuncture can treat different kinds of medical conditions which affect women fertility power. Acupuncture points are selected after system review and fertility review. Treatment strategy and determine based on Traditional Medicine theory. Because it address the whole body conditions, and rebalance the whole system, with focus on female health improvement.

Acupuncture can achieve multiple benefits for the reproductive system.  Research shows that Acupuncture can offer following benefits for the following conditions. 


  • Poor egg quality

  • Miscarriage

  • Unexplained infertility

  • Stress and Anxiety

  • Endometriosis

  • Ovulatory failure

  • Uterine fibroids

  • Thin endometrium

  • Blockage of Fallopian tubes

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Irregular menstruation

  • High FSH

  • Low progesterone

  • Low sperm count

  • Abnormal motility

  • Low quality sperm

  • Low libido


If you are interest in learning what is the process of Acupuncture Points Selection. Please subscribe our YouTube, we will offer free seminar to help you improve the understanding Fertility Acupuncture.




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