Fertility Acupuncture Centers
Help Natural Fertility
Support IVF & IUI
Balance Hormone
Reduce FSH Level
Regulate Periods
Help Lining
Anti Ovary-Aging
Induce ovulation
Improve Eggs Quality and Quantity
Improve sperms counts, shape and sperm mobility
Couple Co-Treatment Plan
Prevent miscarriage
Stress Management
Unexplained infertility
Poor Egg Quality
Ovulatory failure
Uterine fibroids
Thin endometrium
Blockage of Fallopian tubes
Ovarian cysts
Irregular menstruation
High FSH
Low progesterone
Low sperm count
Abnormal motility
Low quality sperm
Low libido
Stress Reduction
Help Anxiety
Couple Co-Treatment
AcuBaby™ Chicago
333 N Michigan Ave, Suite 818
Chicago, IL 60601
Tel: 773-653-4100
Email: Support@AcuBaby.com
AcuBaby™ Northfield
191 Waukegan Raod, Suite 340
Northfield, IL 60093
Tel: 847-832-0668
Email: Support@AcuBaby.com
AcuBaby™ Remote-Service
Offer Remote Consultation and Mail Order of Herbal Formulas
Tel: 312-388-2345
Email: Support@AcuBaby.com
Help Natural Fertility, Miscarriage, Unexplained Infertility Anxiety, Help Uterus Lining, Reduce FSH, Reduce Stress, help Sperm & Egg's Quality, Couple Co-Treatment Plans
— Dr. Licai Yang
— Dr. Michael Zhang

Help Women Pregnant Naturally, Reduce Stress and Anxiety, Increase IVF Success Rates
Fertility Acupuncture Herbology

Fertility Acupuncture Specialists
I Am Pregnant!!
Good news, Dr. Yang!! I am pleased to report that your services and advice were both fruitful.. I'm pregnant! You were able to achieve in one cycle what traditional doctors were unable to achieve in 3 years. Needless to say, I was both shocked at the immediacy of the results and elated to finally be achieving my goal and realizing my dream. ***
Hi, Dr. Yang:
I just wanted you to know that it was successful. I had a positive test on Monday! HCG was 253 on that day, and 559 two days later, so my numbers doubled nicely. A thousand thanks for your help. You are definitely a God send. I will always be grateful to you for your help and I am sure to never forget you. One day, I will also tell my child about the wonderful lady that helped me bring him/her into the world. ***
Stephanie, Chicago,IL
What is Acupuncture Treatment like?
After comprehensive analysis of your condition, you will stay in a cozy treatment room to experience a typical classical retreat. After the needle are put inside your skin, it will stay there for twenty minutes to "cook" without pain, after the needle are totally "Cooked". ninety percent of my patients will say "it is very relaxing." Actually, about eighty percent of my patients fall asleep during the treatment. After the treatment, Patients are more functional than when they walked in. Also, can you imagine you can fall asleep with the special needles in your body? But, you did.
Acupuncture needle are only about twice the thickness of hair. Plus many years training, good practitioner will not hurt you. Some people say it looks like mosquito bite, some people even didn't feel it when I put in the needles, they will ask you :"you already put it in?"
People fear of needles. Most people are familiar with the hypodermic needle which are used to draw blood or inject fluids. they have to be hollow, and as a result are much bigger than acupuncture needles. Acupuncture needle are solid, and much, much thinner.
Disposable needles policy
Only disposable needles are used in Our Clinics. Used needles will drop to biohazard container right away.

Dear Friends,
Welcome to AcuBaby™ Fertility Acupuncture Centers.
Fertility Acupuncture Centers are cofounded by Dr Yang and Dr Zhang, both are MD from China. Fertility Acupuncture Centers offer authentic classical acupuncture services, we have clinic locations in Chicago and Northfield in Illinois.
For over 30 Years, We focus on Fertility Solutions. We use Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine to help women get pregnant naturally. We support IVF, support IUI, to increase success rates. We use natural methods to help relax and reduce anxiety.
For female infertility, We help Unexplained Infertility, Miscarriage, treat PCOS, POF, and Endometriosis and woman health conditions. We balance hormones, lower FSH, and improve egg’s quality.
For male infertility, We help to increase sperm counts, for better motility and better morphology.
We are very happy, We have helped so many couples have babies. Let’s work together, to welcome your little baby to this world!
Please visit our website: AcuBaby.com for more information.
Thank you!
Zhanhai Zhang, OMD.,Ph.D.
Licai Yang, OMD.,LAc.
333 North Michigan Ave Ste 818, Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 773-653-4100
191 Waukegan Road Ste 102, Northfield, IL 60093 Tel: 847-832-0668